Email & Web Hosting

Email & Web Hosting

We cater to small businesses exclusively by offering web hosting with unmetered disk space, traffic and mailboxes, on either Windows or Linux platforms.

  • Unlimited Disk Space (Based on fair usage)
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • HTML only
  • 1 Email Account
  • Spam & Virus Filtering
  • No Database Support
  • Unlimited Disk Space (Based on fair usage)
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Unlimited Mailboxes
  • Spam & Virus Filtering
  • SQL Database Backup
  • Monthly Website Analytics


Windows or Linux

It's your choice!

We support PHP, CGI, Perl, and MySQL for Linux, and ASP.NET and SQL Server for Windows.

Email & Webmail

A range of options available.

We support POP, IMAP, Webmail, Authenticated SMTP, Spam and Virus Filtering, Autoresponders, and more.

You'll have your very own Webmail URL complete with Calendar and Address Book so your contacts will always be accessible.


If you prefer managing your own system and data then you can house your server in our Data Centre.

This option is suitable for businesses that require their own specialised serving equipment to be housed, monitored and directly accessible on the internet.

If you don't like sharing this is for you.  Contact us for more information

Website Back-ups

We protect your website!

With our 14-day consecutive back-ups you can be rest assured that your website files and databases are in safe hands. Because after all... we all make mistakes.


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