Remote Support

Remote Support

Supporting you from afar... but not that far; we are still in NZ.

Remote Support is a cheaper and greener way to fix your PC, server or mobile device. Access, support and manage your devices anywhere you have an internet connection.
Are you tired of exorbitant IT Support fees?
Do you wait too long for your network and PC issues to be resolved?
Travelling is expensive. Do you really want to be paying for someone to travel to your office to fix something that can easily be remedied with the remote support technology we have today? Remote Support could be the solution for you. While it is necessary that we may have to come out to visit to plug something in or set something up, we can do most things from our local New Zealand offices based in Newmarket. We connect to your PC, laptop or server remotely and fix the problem while you wait. Less travelling to clients means less carbon emissions from our vehicles.

What is Remote Support?

Online Technical Support is controlling your computer remotely, with your permission, using software that you download from our website. When things go wrong it is always when you are in the middle of sometime important and don’t have the time to wait for a technician to come out on site. Most companies have a computer with internet access and Remote Support provides an excellent opportunity to remove the time you have to wait to get help.
With most computer problems being related to software it is not usually necessary for a technician to come out on site to physically remove or replace the problem. We fix the problem via remote control just like a radio control car. But instead we use the internet as the radio signal and a keyboard and mouse like the controller.

Secure and Safe

The connection is encrypted and safe. Before we are allowed on your PC you have to accept our connection and you can see everything thing the technician is doing once we are connected. At any point you want to disconnect you can because you never lose control of your computer. Once we are finished and disconnect we cannot retake control of the computer without you going through the connection process again as the software automatically uninstalls from your computer.

A Learning Tool

If you are unsure how to do something on your computer or mobile device we can show how. We will talk you through the steps while watching you carry out the task at the same time, we and jump in and help at anytime. You can watch and learn during your remote support session while we solve the issue so you will be able to see what we are doing by simply watching your screen so next time a similar problem happens you know what to do.

What disadvantages are there?

While Remote support is great for most computer problems is does require your PC to be in a state that we can connect to it. Your computer has to be able to connect to the internet and install our remote connection software. If this is not possible our experienced computer technicians will talk you through the fix over the phone. If all else fails or we need to replace a hardware component a technician to visit you.

What does it cost?

It affordable! You no longer have to pay expensive onsite and call out fees plus there are two easy options for you to choose from:


From $75* per month per computer (*reduced prices available, based on number of computers on a 6 month contract).


Hourly rate available suitable for one-off problems plus we only charge in half hour blocks.


If you would like to get Remote Support, talk to one of our Technicians now on

Phone 09 529 5337