Social Media for Business
Benefits of using Social Media
Provides a base camp for your business on the internet
If your business has its own Facebook fan page you have the opportunity to provide more information to prospects as well as customers about the
products and services that you offer.You might be thinking that all that can be achieved by your website. True that it
can be achieved by your website however Facebook fan page increases your exposure to a lot of people not just customer or prospects it gives you
a chance to introduce your business to future employees, vendors, and even the media can find information about your company.
Facebook fan pages drives traffic
Online marketers who have their own Facebook fan page linked it to their website. Facebook fan pages do not have any restrictions on driving
traffic to your website. In fact, Facebook encourages online marketers to link their website to their Facebook fan page. Getting even a small fraction of Facebook’s huge amount of daily traffic to your website could significantly improve the amount of qualified traffic on your site.
Make SEO better
By linking your Facebook fan page to your website, you can pull social search to drive even more Facebook traffic back to your website. Google, with its advanced features is now indexing content
created on sites like Facebook, because of this the contents of your Facebook fan page has the ability to generate favorable search engine
results which is of course good for business.
Facebook fan pages make it easy for you to engage with your customers for free
A Facebook Fan Page provides an inexpensive; actually it is for free channel of communication between you and your customers. Creating it is
so easy, with just a few minutes you are able to create a branded Facebook fan page. Your Facebook fan page is a place where customers and
other brand promoters can write on your Facebook Wall, ask and answer questions, and interact with you and one another.
Direct connection to the people outside the business
A Facebook fan page gives you a direct channel to your fans. You can send messages to your fans (prospects or customers) all at once or target
individuals or groups by country, town, sex, and even age range. Facebook comes with a. events application that lets you schedule an
event and invite people who are close to where the place will take place.
Deepen customer relations
An online business can drastically deepen their relationships with their customers by connecting with them through a social network. Facebook
members may not shop on Facebook, but it is estimated that there are a lot of people expecting businesses they deal with to have their own
Facebook fan page.
A good place for brand enthusiasts to converse
There are a lot of people who sing praises for a good company, and the best place to do such thing is on your Facebook fan page. Set up strong
relationships with a number of significant members who have plenty of connections, and you gain precious brand enthusiasts who can truly
promote and sell on your behalf.